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Prospect at scale

Enable SMB outbound at scale with AI enrichment and web scraping, all within Google Sheets

Used by fast growing firms

Cohesive AI - AI powered web scraping & research in Google Sheets | Product Hunt


Designed to be Google Sheets native

Enrich and scrape the web at scale within the tool you already use - no need for the hassle of learning and importing data into a separate platform

Leverage AI in bulk

Use AI to analyze data, generate personalizations, and more

Scrape the web

Perform research on Google, LinkedIn, and any website

Find contacts

Find or validate contact emails and personal cells


Get started for free, forever

Get started now



Up to 250 research credits

250 research credits

Up to 150 data credits

150 data credits

Up to 5 website / table scrapes

5 website scrapes

Limited Google Maps scraper

Limited Maps scraper

Get Started




Up to 5,000 research credits

5,000 research credits

Up to 3,000 data credits

3,000 data credits

Up to 50 website / table scrapes

50 website scrapes

Full Google Maps scraper

Full Maps scraper

Get Started

Get Started Now For Free




Up to 12,000 research credits

12,000 research credits

Up to 7,200 data credits

7,200 data credits

Up to 120 website / table scrapes

120 website scrapes

Full Google Maps scraper

Full Maps scraper

Use your own API key for unlimited

Use your own API key

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